Alternate Usage

Easter Vigil, Psalm 4
3rd Sunday of Easter, Year C
10th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C
13th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

Where composers have produced different settings for each liturgy, they are shown on this page for convenience.

Michel Guimont

The Abbey Psalms and Canticles  (

Michael Herry, fms - Easter Vigil, Psalm 4  (free downloads)

Michael Herry, fms - 3rd Sunday of Easter, Year C  (free downloads)
At the time of writing, his recording doesn't match the music score.

Michael Herry, fms - 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B  (free downloads)

Kate Keefe  (free downloads)

The response works with LiturgyShare Psalm Tone 7 for the stanzas.

Downloads:  keyboardlead sheetcantortablet


Downloads:   scorekeyboardlead sheetcantortablet

LiturgyShare - Abbey Text + Meinrad Psalm Tone

Downloads:   scoretablet

Amanda McKenna - Easter Vigil, Responsorial Psalm 4

Sing the Responsorial Psalms psalm  (

Only response music is provided:  verses are intended to be recited.

The responses (transposed to D major in all cases for this psalm) works with LiturgyShare Psalm Tone 5 for the stanzas.

Downloads:  keyboardlead sheetcantortablet

Amanda McKenna - 3rd Sunday of Easter, Year C

Sing the Responsorial Psalms psalm  (

Downloads:  keyboardlead sheetcantortablet

Amanda McKenna - 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

Sing the Responsorial Psalms psalm  (

Downloads:  keyboardlead sheetcantortablet

Amanda McKenna - 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

Sing the Responsorial Psalms psalm  (

Downloads:  keyboardlead sheetcantortablet

Colin Smith, cfc - Easter Vigil, Psalm 4

Responsorial Psalms - Year A (or B or C) • psalm  (

Demo is transposed to F major with TRIDUUM psalm tone (as published).

It is much easier to sing with the SAN MARCO psalm tone.

Colin Smith, cfc - 3rd Sunday of Easter, Year C

Responsorial Psalms - Year C psalm  (

Demo is transposed to A major.

Colin Smith, cfc - 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

Responsorial Psalms - Year C psalm  (

Demo is transposed to E♭ major.

Colin Smith, cfc - 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

Responsorial Psalms - Year B psalm  (

Demo is transposed to E♭ major.