℟: cf. Psalm 93 (92): 1a
Dominus regnavit, decorem indutus est.
The Lord is king; he is robed in majesty. (Oz, US) The Lord is king, with majesty enrobed. (UK)
℣: Psalm 93 (92): 1abc, 1d-2, 5
Use:   Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, Year B (161)

Grail / LiturgyShare

Downloads:   scorekeyboardlead sheetcantortabletassemblyslidepianovocal

APC / LiturgyShare + St. Meinrad Archabbey

Downloads:   scoretabletassemblyslidepianovocal

Grail / Michael Herry, fms

maristmusic.org.au  (free downloads)

Grail / Kate Keefe

musicformass.co.uk  (free downloads)

The response works with Psalm Tone 6 for the stanzas.

Downloads:  keyboardlead sheetcantortablet

Grail / Amanda McKenna

Sing the Responsorial Psalms psalm  (willowpublishing.com.au)

The response works with Psalm Tone 6 for the stanzas.

Downloads:  keyboardlead sheetcantortablet

Grail / Colin Smith, cfc

Responsorial Psalms - Year B psalm  (willowpublishing.com.au)

RGP or APC / Michel Guimont

Lectionary Psalms:  The Abbey Psalms and Canticles  (giamusic.com)