Roman Missal, Option 1  Psalm 16 (15): 11

You will show me the path of life,
the fullness of joy in your presence, O Lord.

Roman Missal, Option 2  John 6: 58

Just as the living Father sent me,
and I have life because of the Father,
so whoever feeds on me
shall have life because of me, says the Lord.

Solesmes (Graduale Romanum)  Psalm 16 (15): 11

You have made known unto me the ways of life;
you fill me with joy at the sight of your countenance, O Lord.

Adam Bartlett

Simple English Propers  (

Style:  responsorial psalm

Columba Kelly, OSB

Saint Meinrad Entrance and Communion Antiphons - Vol. 5 -
Ordinary Time Sundays 18 through 33

Style:  antiphonal / responsorial psalm

℟:  Whoever feeds on me
      shall have life because of me,
      says the Lord.

Download:  OneLicense

Andrew Motyka

Style:  responsorial psalm

℟:  You will show me the path of life,
      and place our pride in the name of our God.