
℟: Psalm 40 (39): 5a
Beatus vir qui posuit Dominum spem suam.
Happy are they who hope in the Lord. (Oz)
Blessed are they who hope in the Lord. (US)
Blessed the man who has placed his trust in the Lord. (UK)
℣: Psalm 1: 1-2, 3, 4+6
Use:   6th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C (78)

Grail / LiturgyShare

Downloads:   scorekeyboardlead sheetcantortabletassemblyslidepianovocal

APC / LiturgyShare + St. Meinrad Archabbey

Downloads:   scoretabletassemblyslidepianovocal

Grail / Michael Herry, fms

maristmusic.org.au  (free downloads)

Grail / Kate Keefe

musicformass.co.uk  (free downloads)

The response works with Psalm Tone 6 for the stanzas.

Downloads:  keyboardlead sheetcantortablet

Grail / Amanda McKenna

Sing the Responsorial Psalms psalm  (willowpublishing.com.au)

The transposed response works with Psalm Tone 5 for the stanzas.

Downloads:  keyboardlead sheetcantortablet

Grail / Colin Smith, cfc

Responsorial Psalms - Year C psalm  (willowpublishing.com.au)

RGP or APC / Michel Guimont

Lectionary Psalms:  The Abbey Psalms and Canticles  (giamusic.com)