Alternate Response / Psalm Usage

℟: Luke 2: 11
Hodie natus est no bis Salvator, qui est Christus Dominus.
Today is born our Saviour, Christ the Lord. (Oz, US)
Today a Saviour has been born to us, who is Christ the Lord. (UK)
℣: Psalm 96 (95): 1-2a, 2b-3, 11-13b, 13cd (Oz)
Psalm 96 (95): 1-2a, 2b-3, 11-12, 13 (OLM 81, US)
Psalm 96 (95): 1-2a, 2b-3, 11-12a, 12b-13b, 13cd (UK)
Use:   The Nativity of the Lord, at the Mass during the Night (14)

Grail / LiturgyShare

Downloads:   scorekeyboardlead sheetcantortabletassemblyslidepianovocal

APC / LiturgyShare + St. Meinrad Archabbey

Downloads:   scoretabletassemblyslidepianovocal

Grail / Michael Herry, fms  (free downloads)

Grail / Kate Keefe  (free downloads)

The response works with Psalm Tone 6 for the stanzas.

Downloads:  keyboardlead sheetcantortablet

Grail / Amanda McKenna

Sing the Responsorial Psalms psalm  (

The response works with Psalm Tone 5 for the stanzas.

Downloads:  keyboardlead sheetcantortablet

Grail / Colin Smith, cfc

Note that the setting provided in Colin Smith’s collection significantly condenses the lectionary text.  To use the full verses, use the three-phrase VATICANO psalm tone (found with the setting for the Presentation of the Lord) with the response for this liturgy.  This is shown in the YouTube video.

Responsorial Psalms - Year A (or B or C) • psalm  (

RGP or APC / Michel Guimont

Lectionary Psalms:  The Abbey Psalms and Canticles  (