Roman Missal, Option 1  Psalm 23 (22): 1-2

The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.
Fresh and green are the pastures where he gives me repose,
near restful waters he leads me.

Roman Missal, Option 2  John 6: 58

The disciples recognized the Lord Jesus
in the breaking of the bread.

Solesmes (Graduale Romanum)  Matthew 25: 4+6

The five wise virgins took oil in their flasks with their lamps;
“Behold, the bridegroom is here; come out to meet the Christ the Lord.

Adam Bartlett

Simple English Propers  (

Style:  responsorial psalm

Columba Kelly, OSB

Saint Meinrad Entrance and Communion Antiphons - Vol. 5 -
Ordinary Time Sundays 18 through 33

Style:  antiphonal / responsorial psalm

℟:  Christ loved us
      and gave himself up for us.

Download:  OneLicense

Andrew Motyka

Style:  responsorial psalm

℟:  Behold, the bridegroom is here;
      come out to meet Christ the Lord.